About Me

- A little contribution to the linux newbies.

Monday, August 2, 2010

VMware ESXi 4.0 Headless (Unattended)Install

In order to achieve this you need to do some hacks and tricks with the vmware installer scripts

1. Modify the Installer-Steps

In order to achieve this you will need to modify the install.tgz file

- Extract ISO
- cd to the extracted directory

- mkdir tt
- cp install.tgz tt/
- cd tt/
- tar xvvf install.tgz

- $ ls
install.tgz sbin usr

- cd usr/lib/vmware/installer/
- chmod +w ThinESXInstall.py
- vi ThinESXInstall.py

modify following line (approx line 22 )

Steps = [ WelcomeStep, LicenseStep, TargetSelectionStep, ConfirmStep, \
WriteStep, PostConfigStep, CompleteStep, RebootStep ]

Steps = [ TargetSelectionStep, WriteStep, RebootStep ]


2. Automated the Disks Selection Step in the installer script

now go to ThinESX dircetory

- cd ThinESX/
- chmod +w ThinESXInstallSteps.py
- vi ThinESXInstallSteps.py

--- modify the target selection step (approx line 56)

copy paste the following lines in the Scripts :


def TargetSelectionStep(data):
This install step is responsible for presenting the user with the device
selection dialog and determining the target which is being installed to."""
targets = TargetEnumeration(NotPredicate(RACVirtualMediaFilter))

if len(targets) == 0:
raise NoValidDevicesException()

if len(targets) == 1 and targets[0].IsLocal():
data['Target'] = targets[0]
return data
return LaunchDialog(DeviceSelectionDialog(targets, data))

- Save and Exit
- cd back to tt/ directory
- rm -rf install.tgz && tar -czvf install.tgz * && chmod 755 install.tgz

replace the existing install.tgz file to the modified one..

Your unattended installer is ready to go..

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Script to display all duplicate line in a file once

this script will display all the duplicate lines only once


$cat file
I like oranges
I like apples
I like pears
I like apples
I like guavas
I like oranges
I like apples

$./test.pl file

I like apples
I like oranges

my @contents = ;
my %dup;
foreach $line (@contents)
@keyz = keys %dup;
if(!(grep(/$line/, @keyz)) || $dup{$line})
if($dup{$line} > 1)
print $line;
$dup{$line} = 0;

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Script to upload ssh key to skip password authentication


## Script to auto upload ssh keys on the LINUX HOST


if [ $# -eq "$NO_ARGS" ] # should check for no arguments
echo "Usage: `basename $0` -i "

while getopts ":ih" Option

case $Option in


echo "Usage: `basename $0` -i "

shift $(($OPTIND - 1))

## This will generate ssh key on the remote host
echo "Generation ssh-keygen on remote linux host"
echo $remote_host_ipaddress

ssh root@$remote_host_ipaddress /usr/bin/ssh-keygen -t dsa

echo "uploading your ssh keys on remote linux host"
scp ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub root@$remote_host_ipaddress:/root/.ssh/authorized_keys